Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I am currently going through the Bible study "Experiencing God". This is an excellent study that will bring your life back into a God-centered focus if your a Christian.

Anyway, Unit 6 Day 3 discusses how we should have God's perspective rather than evaluating our circumstances. This is so good I felt that others might benefit from the highlights.

"Never, ever determine the truth of a situation by looking at the circumstances. Don't evaluate your situation until you have heard from Jesus. His is the TRUTH" (emphasis mine).

The study gives the example of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-15).
- Here we have 5,000 hungry people with no food and no where to buy or make food.
- Put yourself in the hungry peoples shoes. What would you have been thinking and feeling? Maybe your circumstances are far worse or similar.
- Jesus took 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish and fed 5,000 with 12 baskets full of leftovers.

The point I want to make is that we should focus on Jesus and his perspective rather than what our circumstances dictate. Put Jesus first in your life and when the circumstances seem out of hand, seek his perspective through prayer and the reading of his Holy Word. His plan my be totally different than what you where expecting.

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