Saturday, January 07, 2006

Table Tennis Anyone?

I've been reliving this Christmas memory since earlier last month. I can't get it out of my head! I can't say it's my favorite memory of Christmas as a child but it definitely ranks way up there.

I couldn't have been very old, maybe 9 or 10. Anyway, Dad took me to the local retail store (no Wal-Mart in this town back then) and it was annouced that Santa Claus would be making a stop very shortly. However; this would not be any normal stop. This particular retail store had concocted a great plan for attracting more customers for the day. Of all things the plan sold numerous fishing nets! Yes, fishing nets. Santa actually flew over this store in a helicopter, hung out the door and proceeded to let loose with a rather large bag of ping-pong balls! Dad and I were in the mix trying to catch these flying white missiles. Boy, if we would have been smart and bought one of those fishing nets.... Anyway, some of these ping-pong balls had special text printed on them. These coveted balls were the key to deeply discounted merchandise. We definitely didn't get any of the printed ones. I really can't remember if we got any at all. What a memory!

Does anyone have a memory that compares? What's your favorite Christmas memory?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas Memories?? l can't even remember them all but there is one l will never forget. That was the last one spent with my Mother. At that time l knew it would be my last and all l wanted was to hold her. When she woke up that morning l told her this was a good day because l got everything l ask for. She said, "Well, where is it!" l said it is you Mommy, you were all l wanted. Sandy, Sue, Jackie and me at her feet all day. It was a sad day for sure but she was a treasure.