Sunday, February 27, 2005

Today's Church Service

Today's service was a real blessing for me. I helped baptize a new Christian in our Church.

The service started with lots of music, a few hymns and then a group of guys from surrounding churchs sang bluegrass gospel music. I'm not a big bluegrass fan, but I did enjoy hearing the music today. After the music our pastor presented a short message. After the message and invitation we headed for the baptismal. The event brought back memories of my own salvation and baptism. I am so blessed! As my good friend is fond of saying: "God is so good".

After church we headed out to eat at the local Mexican food restaurant and then on to the veterans Center to have church service for them. My son drew pictures and gave them to several of the vets. He has a very sweet giving personality. I'm very proud of my children.

What a good day it has been!

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